Our Governing Body
School Governors are members of a school’s Governing Body; they have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and acting as a critical friend.
Here at Ivybridge Primary School the Governing Body consists of governors from differing areas,
- Parents – elected by other parents.
- Staff – elected by other members of staff.
- Co-opted – appointed by the governing body.
Whether appointed or elected each governor has a term of office, which is a maximum of four years before they have to seek re-election/re-appointment.
Our Governing Body meets as a whole group at least 3 times per year; however much of the work they do is split into three committees which also meet at least three times each year. These are;
- Curriculum and Standards
- Finance and Premises
- Pastoral
Being a Governor is voluntary and as such, Governors do not receive any payment for their work. Training is given for every aspect of the role and is delivered locally by the local authority, through specialist on-line training packages and through national organisations.
Irene Bowles, Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor
I have been a Governor at Ivybridge since March 2015. I am currently Chair of Governors, and the named Child Protection Governor.
I have worked with Governing Bodies for over 20 years as a Clerk, and bring that knowledge and expertise to help me and other Governors do our very best for the children at Ivybridge. I also worked for a number of years as a School Business Manager.
Joanne Hilton, Co-opted Governor
Sajid Rashiyani, Co-opted Governor
Laura Lane, Co-opted Governor
Elis Staines, Co-opted Governor
Alan Prince, Co-opted Governor
Joanna Sugden, Co-opted Governor
Lesley Hole, Staff Governor
Caroline McKay, Head Teacher
Please click here to view our Governance Report