We are pleased to inform you that, following our recent inspection which took place over 2 days in February, we have now recieved our final report which you can access by clicking here.
The report confirms that Ivybridge Primary continues to be a good school, we achieved a good grading in each of the different areas considered by the inspection team. They recognised the high expectations that we have for all pupils and the work that we put in to ensure that they are safe and happy in school. They said that “pupils enjoy school and value the caring and nurturing staff” and that “pupils behave well across the school.”
They looked in depth at the curriculum we offer and said that “leaders’ curricular thinking is well developed and ambitious”, “pupils develop secure mathematical knowledge and skills” and that “leaders have given reading high priority.” Please do read the full report!
We are constantly working to improve the school even further and will look carefully at the two points for development which the inspectors identified and ensure we address these quickly.